Saturday, September 29, 2012

SNC (AAC) Episode 1.11 - Supernatural 1.11 Scarecrow

SNC (AAC) Episode 1.11 - Supernatural 1.11 Scarecrow
In this episode of the Supernatural Cast we discuss the eleventh episode of season one of Supernatural "Scarecrow." The discussion includes a detailed Episode Recap, Supernatural Five, Supernatural Travel Log, Supernatural and Pop Culture, This Week in Forklore and Mythology, SupernaturalCast Feedback and the Dean Quote of the Week.  Subscribe in iTunes!

Call us at 203-74SUPER.  E-mail us at  Follow us on Twitter @SupernaturaCast.  Like us on Facebook.  Find us on Google+

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Random City Podcast Episode 42 - 4.02 Awesome Avengers

Episode 42 - 4.02 Awesome Avengers
In first episode in a months, we talk about Marvel's Avengers.  The end of Phase I of the Marvel movies, and the beginning of Phase II.  Share you thoughts about the Marvel movies, or whatever random thing.

Stay Random Everybody,
Jimmy in GA

Call in at (773) 71RANDOM
email us at
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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Falling Skies Cast Episode 2.10 - The Hiatus Strikes Back

Falling Skies Cast Episode 2.10 - The Hiatus Strikes Back
In the thirty fifth episode of the Falling Skies Cast, we discuss some early news surrounding the filming of season 3 that is current going on.  We share some Falling Skies feedback from Facebook and Twitter and two emails and a voice mail from Rani from Las Vegas.  We finish our show with the Pope Quote of the Week.  If you haven't already subscribed to the podcast, you can subscribe in iTunes.

The Falling Skies Cast will keep you updated here, on Facebook and on Twitter during this very long hiatus.  We also plan to have a monthly podcast during the break.  Call or text us at (773) 35SKIES or email your feedback to